Method and System for Signal Separation in Wearable Sensors with Limited Data (with Applications to Transabdominal Fetal Oximetry)

Tech ID: 33973 / UC Case 2024-562-0


Researchers at the University of California, Davis have developed method for separating quasi-periodic mixed-signals using a single data trace, enhancing wearable sensor applications.

Full Description

Deep Harmonic Finesse (DHF) is a method designed to address the challenges of separating quasi-periodic, non-stationary signals from a single mixed signal input. This technology is pivotal for wearable systems where collecting large datasets is impractical. By leveraging deep harmonic neural networks and a pattern alignment method, DHF can isolate target signals from noise and other quasi-periodic phenomena, leveraging prior knowledge of time-frequency patterns. This approach is particularly beneficial in applications such as tissue oximetry and blood glucose monitoring, where accurate signal separation can significantly enhance the reliability of sensor readings.


  • Wearable health monitors for blood glucose levels, tissue oximetry, and more. 
  • Non-invasive fetal monitoring and other deep tissue sensing applications. 
  • Signal processing solutions where data collection is challenging or impractical.


  • Enables signal separation using only a single data trace, overcoming the need for large datasets. 
  • Addresses the overlap of signal frequencies, a limitation of traditional frequency-based filtering techniques. 
  • Incorporates a deep harmonic neural network with pattern alignment for improved signal accuracy. 
  • Significantly improves signal-to-distortion ratio and mean squared error compared to existing methods. 
  • Enhances the reliability of wearable sensor applications in healthcare, such as non-invasive fetal monitoring. 
  • Separates quasi-periodic signals in the presence of frequency overlap and limited data availability. 
  • Accurately detects physiological parameters in wearable systems amidst noisy and complex signal environments. 
  • Reduces the need for extensive data collection in wearable healthcare monitoring systems.

Patent Status

Patent Pending


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  • Ghiasihafezi, Soheil
  • Saffarpour, Mahya

Other Information


blood glucose monitoring, deep harmonic neural network, fetal oximetry, non-invasive fetal monitoring, quasi-periodic signals, signal processing, signal separation, tissue oximetry, wearable health devices, wearable systems

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