This invention identifies a set of antibodies that allow direct imaging of immune cells in a tumor biospecimen.
Current companion diagnostics for cancer immunotherapies are based on specific biomarkers that are related to patient outcome in a certain percentage of the population, but do not allow for observation of the immune cells in vivo. The technology here described would allow direct visualization of the behavioral response of immune cells to immunotherapy in live patient tissue samples.
This novel invention provides the following advantages:
· Live visualization of a patient’s immune cells direct response to the immunotherapy
· Visualization of patient specific response, prior to drug administration
· Real-time guide for personalized combination therapy
· Method to screen for novel immunotherapeutic molecules
This novel technology identifies a set of antibodies for immune cell visualization, that would allow to determine the best combination immunotherapy for personalized cancer patient treatment.
Unlike other antibodies, they do not block ligand binding or down regulate the receptor they bind to, and therefor do not interfere with the activation/inactivation of the immune cells. This allows for a reliable method to detect the behavior of immune cells in response to immunotherapy, in a similar fashion to what would occur in the patient.
- Companion diagnostics for cancer immunotherapy
- Method to identify optimal combination therapy for personalized treatment
- Novel immunotherapeutic drug candidate screening method
Looking for partners to commercialize this technology as reagents to develop a companion diagnostics for immunotherapy and/or as a drug candidate screening method
Preclinical. Validated in patient biopsies.
immunotherapy, diagnostic, antibodies, live biopsy