Isolation and Preservation of Extracellular Vesicles with EXO-PEG-TR

Tech ID: 33978 / UC Case 2024-9AM-0

Brief Description

A groundbreaking method for the efficient isolation and preservation of high-purity small extracellular vesicles (sEVs - exosomes) from biofluids using a novel EXO-PEG-TR reagent.

Full Description

This technology introduces a novel approach to the isolation and preservation of sEVs including exosomes, from various biofluids. Utilizing a newly developed reagent, EXO-PEG-TR, this method allows for the separation of high-purity sEVs without the need for complex equipment. Designed to overcome the limitations of current sEV isolation techniques, such as ultracentrifugation and precipitation, EXO-PEG-TR simplifies the process, ensuring high yield and quality of sEVs (exosomes) for further diagnostic and therapeutic applications.

Suggested uses

  • Diagnostic and therapeutic applications involving small extracellular vesicles. 
  • Research on intercellular communication and transfer of biological cargo. 
  • Mapping of exosome genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, lipidomics, and metabolomics. 
  • Clinical scalability of precision diagnostics.


  • High efficiency and purity isolation of extracellular vesicles. 
  • Minimal equipment requirement, facilitating easier clinical scalability. 
  • Preservation of exosome quality and quantity during storage. 
  • Applicable to a wide range of biofluids and cell culture media. 
  • Supports downstream "omics" and subpopulation studies. 
  • Timesaving with a simple three-step isolation process.

Patent Status

Patent Pending


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