Detecting ultra trace explosive analytes is important for forensic or counterterrorism applications as well as for personnel, baggage, or cargo screening. However, metal detectors frequently fail to detect explosives (such as those in the plastic casing of modern land mines); dogs are expensive and difficult to maintain: and other methods, including gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry, surface-enhanced Raman, energy dispersive X-ray diffraction, for example, are highly selective, but are expensive and not easily adapted to a small, low-power package. Therefore, chemical sensors are preferable to other detection devices.
This technology describes the synthesis of a polymer and a method for detecting a broad range of nitrogen-based explosives including nitraromatic based, nitramine based and nitrate ester-based high explosives. The polymer is excited at an appropriate range using a UV-B, UV-C, black light, LED or other illumination source. If an explosive has bound the polymer, then the polymer fluorescence will be quenched.
This technology is the subject of a patent application, and is being offered exclusively or nonexclusively for US and/or worldwide territories.
There is an initial working prototype.
Country | Type | Number | Dated | Case |
United States Of America | Issued Patent | 8,557,595 | 10/15/2013 | 2007-074 |
nitrogen, detection, sensor, screening, polymer