Suppressing Cardiac Arrhythmia And Pump Dysfunction With Ischemia/Reperfusion And Failure
Tech ID: 33883 / UC Case 2023-803-0
Brief Description
inhibitors offer a promising new therapy for protecting against cardiac rhythm
disturbances and pump failure associated with heart attacks.
Full Description
Researchers at the University of California, Irvine have developed a technology involving SUMO inhibitors to prevent the abnormal opening of heart sodium channels during hypoxia, a condition leading to angina and heart attacks. The inhibitors work by blocking the attachment of SUMO proteins to the sodium channels, a process that is crucial for the development of late sodium current, which is implicated in cardiac dysfunction during heart attacks.
Suggested uses
- Pharmaceuticals for heart disease treatment.
- Preventive treatments for individuals at high risk of heart attacks.
- Therapeutic agents for managing angina and heart failure.
- Prevents abnormal late sodium current in heart muscle cells.
- Protects against cardiac rhythm disturbances.
- Prevents pump failure during heart attacks.
- Effective in both in vitro and mouse model studies.
- Potential for human
application to treat angina, heart attacks, and heart failure.
Patent Status
Patent Pending
State Of Development
In vitro and mouse model studies