Researchers from UC San Diego developed Pointillism, a system that enables radars to overcome the challenges posed by specular reflections, sparsity and noise in the radar point clouds, to provide high-fidelity perception of the scene with 3D bounding boxes. Pointillism consists of multiple low-resolution radars placed in a optimal fashion to maximize the spatial diversity and scene information. Pointillism combines this spatial diversity with novel multi-radar fusion algorithms to tackle the problem of specular reflections, sparsity and noise in radar point clouds. Building upon the hardware and algorithms, Pointillism also introduces a novel data-driven approach that enables the detection of multiple dynamic objects in the scene, with their accurate location, orientation and 3D dimensions. Furthermore, Pointillism enables such perception even in inclement weather, thereby paving a way for radar to be the main-stream sensor for autonomous perception.
This patent-pending technology is available for commercial development. Please contact if you are interested in commercializing this technology.
mmWaves, Radar Perception, Deep Learning, Adverse Weather, Autonomous Driving, Object Detection