Researchers at the University of California, Davis have developed a gyramide antibiotic which is effective against Gram-negative and fluoroquinolones (FQs) resistant bacteria.
Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a serious public health problem facing the world right now. Many antibiotics are losing their effectiveness and development of new antibiotics has been slow. Additionally, many antibiotics are not effective against Gram-negative bacteria, or bacteria that cannot be stained by the Gram method. One such bacteria is E. coli, which is known to cause many infections. Compounds have been developed that are effective against mutant E. coli, but have no efficacy against wild-type E. coli.
Researchers at the University of California, Davis have developed a gyramide antibiotic which is effective against Gram-negative and FQ resistant bacteria. Gyramides prevent bacterial growth by inhibiting DNA gyrase, which is essential for survival. They are effective against pathogens that are Gram-negative and FQ resistant, so they can fight diseases that other antibiotics cannot. This specific DNA gyrase inhibitor has shown to not only fight mutant E coli, but also wild type E. coli.
Country | Type | Number | Dated | Case |
United States Of America | Issued Patent | 10,253,039 | 04/09/2019 | 2014-148 |
Additional Patent Pending
Antibiotic, E. Coli, Bacterial resistance, Gram negative, Fluoroquinolones