These are murine pancreatic cancer cell lines that grow in immunocompetent mice and possess genetic mutations that mirror those found in the human disease.
Cell lines will be of interest to pancreatic cancer researchers who may wish to utilize them for a wide variety of possible studies. One line rapidly and reliably metastatizes to the liver. These murine cell lines may be implanted into the mouse pancreas of immunocompetent animals where they rapidly (<2 months) grow and metastasize.
The cell lines we have developed reliably and rapidly grow and metastasize in immunocompetent mice, allowing for study of tumor interactions with immune cells. It will also allow manipulation of gene/protein expression and therefore permit study of cell signaling in ways not possible with human on mouse models given the issues of ligand/receptor incompatability that occur when crossing species.
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Murine cell lines, pancreatic cancer, immunocompetent animals, cancer cell lines