UCLA Researchers have developed a novel mouse model for prostate cancerwhich will be useful for preclinical trials and biochemical assays. Themouse model is unique in that it incorporates a naturally occuring oncogeneimplicated in a significant fraction of human prostate cancer and accuratelyreflects the gradual progression of human prostate cancer from prostaticintraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) to localized adenocarcinoma, to locallyinvasive disease and metastatis, with essentially 100% penetrance. The timecourse of disease progression allows therapeutic testing against all stagesof disease, including prevention strategies. The model offers significantadvantages over current transgenic prostate cancer models such as TRAMP,which require expression of the SV40 T antigen and generate mice with alarge percentage of neuroendocrine, rather than adenocarcinomas of theprostate.
Country | Type | Number | Dated | Case |
Patent Cooperation Treaty | Reference for National Filings | WO 04/000010 A3 | 12/31/2003 | 2002-135 |
Patent Pending
research tools, transgenic mouse