Semi-Implantable Hearing Aid
Tech ID: 31646 / UC Case 2019-656-0
Brief Description
Inventors at UCI have
developed a semi-implantable hearing aid that provides similar sound clarity
to an implanted device. The UCI device allows sound to be transmitted to the inner ear without invasive surgery.
Full Description
According to the WHO, hearing loss affects over 5% of the
world population with that number expected to rise to about 10% by 2050.
Typically, hearing aids are placed into the ear canal to improve hearing. These
hearing aid devices convert sound into electrical pulses which bypass the ear
drum and directly stimulate the small inner ear bones that are responsible for
converting sound waves into electrical pulses the brain can interpret. However,
these devices can only be implanted with general anesthesia and can require
extensive surgeries.
Inventors at UCI have developed a novel semi-implantable
hearing aid which provides the same amount of audio clarity as an implanted
hearing device but the UCI hearing aid can be placed with a minimally invasive
procedure in a doctor’s office with only local anesthetic.
Suggested uses
Mminimally invasive
procedure in a doctor’s office with only local anesthetic.
Patent Status
Patent Pending