Independent component analysis (ICA) is a mathematical method for temporal and spatial signal extraction, where a data set of digitally recorded mixed signals is transformed into a new set of unmixed source signals. It plays an important role in signal and image processing analysis. A variety of prior methods have been used to estimate the source signals: some methods require a priori model probability density functions (pdfs) to approximate the source signal pdfs, other methods involve the optimization of a cost function, such as the mutual information (MI) between the estimated source signals. A method that does not require model pdfs and can perform a global search of the optimum solution over the entire range of angular parameters can greatly simplify the application and the robustness of ICA on a wide variety of signal and image extraction applications.
A UC San Diego researcher has developed a signal/image processing method for extraction/separation of least-dependent signal components without prior model information; it consists of:
The method has been demonstrated to separate physiologic signals on dynamic medical-image data to obtain images with improved demarcations. Furthermore, the principles of the invention can be applied, in general, to extract/separate signal sources from a variety of digital signal mixtures found in typical applications of spacial and temporal independent component analysis (ICA). The potential applications include, but are not limited to, extraction of source signal of multispectral image, sensor array signal/data, and digitized audio signals.
It does not require a model or prior information on the underlying source signal, which in many cases may be unknown.
Patent is pending.
Software of the working version of the algorithm has been implemented in Interactive Data Language (IDL, purchased from, Boulder, CO) and applied to the processing of dynamic medical images in spatial-independent component analysis for digital phantom data and dynamic positron emission tomography (PET) data. The next stages of development will expand its application to the processing of temporal signals (temporal independent component analysis).
A PowerPoint presentation is available upon request.
Country | Type | Number | Dated | Case |
United States Of America | Issued Patent | 9,940,546 | 04/10/2018 | 2011-255 |
independent component analysis, dynamic images, mutual information, polar coordinates, optimization, PET, CT, MRI, digital images