The T-maze is a common laboratory test used to assess working memory in rodents. Conventional T-mazes are often built and operated by hand, which can introduce variation between experimenters. This device allows for standardization of the experiments, increases productivity, and eliminates the errors and distractions of animals inherent to manually operated devices.
UC San Diego investigators have designed an automated improvement for a manual T-maze behavioral test in order to facilitate the screening of neuro-active compounds in drug discovery and maintain conformation in complex behavioral studies. The T-maze consists of two choice arms and a start arm. Computer software controls the automatic doors and infrared sensors. In addition, this T-maze is constructed with transparent walls without any metal screws or fasteners visible from the interior of the maze, obviating visual cues and increasing accuracy for rodent memory testing.
This device can be set up to automatically detect responses in rodents. This technology is particularly adapted for rodent behavioral testing facilities or other facilities engaged in preclinical testing of neuro-active pharmaceuticals. Consider a service business that provides behavioral testing to third party biotech/pharmaceutical clients who have a need for testing, screening, categorizing, and validating pharmaceuticals for efficacy and/or side effects on rodent memory. Creating a new rodent testing service as a CRO based on this technology, or establishing a rodent testing facility within an existing pharmaceutical company, are also possibilities.
This technology is available for licensing. UC San Diego is seeking commercialization partners.