Potassium-sensing fluorescent indicators have applications in the measurement of cellular K+ content. For example, K+ sensors could be used to study K+ transport from K+ channels both in vivo and in vitro. K+ channels are important targets for drug discovery as they are involved in cardiac and neuronal excitability and epithelial fluid transport. Currently, patch clamp is the standard technique to assay K+ channel function. However, it is technically tedious, especially for high-throughput screening. There is thus a need for a robust assay for screening and cellular assays.
DESCRIPTION: UCSF investigators have synthesized a fluorescent K+ sensor, called TAC-red. The sensor is constructed so that the fluorescence of the compound is rendered sensitive to K+ binding. Thus, the fluorescence strongly increases in the presence of increasing K+ concentrations. Additionally, the compound is highly sensitive to K+, has a rapid response, and is water-soluble. The researchers also synthesized TAC-Crimson and TAC-Lime, both of which have similar properties to TAC-red.The investigators performed experiments demonstrating proof-of-concept that TAC-conjugated compounds can be used for in situ neurobiological assays to detect extracellular K+ levels (e.g. detecting differences in K+ concentrations in the extracellular space between communicating neurons) and simple, in vitro cell-based assays for high-throughput screening (e.g. for compounds that affect K+ efflux).
The investigators are currently working on a simpler, faster, cheaper, high-yield synthesis scheme for the TAC compounds.
Country | Type | Number | Dated | Case |
United States Of America | Issued Patent | 8,129,365 | 03/06/2012 | 2006-008 |
potassium sensor, assay, screening, high-throughput