A Site-specific Endonuclease For The Cleavage Of Very Large Dna Molecules

Tech ID: 18205 / UC Case 1992-032-0


A DNA endonuclease, VDE, is derived from the yeast Sacchromyces cerevisiae and is related to other nucleases involvled in nucleic acid rearrangements. Analysis shows that VDE recognizes an extended sequence: TATSYATGYYGGGTGY|GGRGAARKMGKKAAWGAAAWG, and leaves a staggered double-strand break with 4-bp 3?-hydroxyl overhangs.

Bremer et al. 1992. Nuc. Acid Res. 20:5484
Gimble et al. 1993 J. Biol. Chem. 268:21844-53
Gimble & Stephens 1995 J. Biol. Chem. 27:5849-56


With the extended recognition sequence this enzyme is a rare cutter of DNA and is useful for mapping DNAs from large genomes or chromosomes.

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research tool, enzyme, gene, reagent

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