Materials with strong localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) can find unique applications in wearable electronics, smart windows, color holograms, flexible displays, etc. Efficient scattering of light at a particular wavelength while being "transparent" at off-resonance is key to the effectiveness of these applications.
Prof. Yadong Yin and colleagues from the University of California, Riverside have developed a novel growth process that allows for the creation of high-quality Au nanoshells on relatively small magnetic Fe3O4 cores (20–150 nm) with excellent plasmonic properties. The nanoscale magnetic assembly strategy allows for active tuning of the plasmon coupling of nanostructures
Fig 1: The UV–vis spectra of the UCR nanoshells with different core diameters.
For use in a variety of electronic applications, including flexible transparent displays, optical metasurfaces, smart windows, wearable electronics, color holograms, and anti-counterfeiting devices.
Country | Type | Number | Dated | Case |
United States Of America | Published Application | 20230383124 | 11/30/2023 | 2020-244 |
Au shells, magnetic particles, confined growth, plasmonic resonance, scattering, transparent displays, Fe3O4@Au, anti-counterfeiting, magnetic assembly