Country | Type | Number | Dated | Case |
United States Of America | Issued Patent | 11,439,615 | 09/13/2022 | 2017-109 |
Canada | Published Application | 2017-109 | ||
This is small molecule neuroprotective activity secreted from resting astrocytes in the inner retina, where neighboring retinal ganglion cell neurons (RGCs) are vulnerable to irreversible damage in the neurodegenerative disease glaucoma.
Therapeutic treatment with LXB4 is efficacious in both pathological and functional measures in a chronic glaucoma model. Together, these results indicate a novel resident neuroprotective mechanism for LXB4 that can become deficient following neuronal injury. Restoration of this balance suggests a therapeutic potential.
The role and regulation of labile small molecule factors in neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration is not well understood. This small molecule has neuroprotective activity secreted from resting astrocytes in the inner retina, where neighboring retinal ganglion cell neurons (RGCs) are vulnerable to irreversible damage in the neurodegenerative disease glaucoma.
Retinal, Glaucoma