Researchers at UC Davis have produced a non-dormant alfalfa line highly amenable to transformation, allowing direct improvement of the line. Higher transformation efficiency and a non-dormant life-cycle make this line of alfalfa a valuable tool for research and breeding.
Historically, non-dormant varieties have been difficult to transform. Recently, however, researchers at UC Davis have further improved on Highline and isolated a high-transformation efficiency subset, UC 2525-14. With this new alfalfa line, non-dormant alfalfa lines can be engineered to possess drought or salt tolerant traits, improving the robustness of non-dormant alfalfa and further increasing yield. The resulting transformed plant may be used as a research tool, or introgressed into other varieties.
Highline is a proprietary non-dormant alfalfa variety developed at UC Davis and distributed by the University of California Foundation Seed Program.
alfalfa, high transformation efficiency