Male Mice Lacking Sry on the Y Chromosome with a Function Autosomal Sry Transgene
Tech ID: 21499 / UC Case 2010-496-0
UCLA researchers have developed mice in which the Sry gene is deleted from the Y chromosome and inserted onto an autosome as a transgene, effectively transferring testis determination from the Y chromosome to an autosome. When male mice carrying the Sry transgene are mated to wild-type females, they produce four "core" genotypes that can be used as a model to investigate relationships between sex chromosome complement (XX or XY) and gonadal type that influences phenotypic characteristics.
- This mouse strain allows investigation of the separate actions, and interactions, of different types of sex-specific forces (hormonal and chromosomal) that cause sex differences.
- New candidate pathways
- Better understanding on the mechanism of action for antidepressants
- Simple and convenient assay that may be used in high throughput format
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