Polyclonal Antibodies to Drosophila Chromatin Assembly Factors Asf1 and p55 Subunit of CAF-1
Tech ID: 19826 / UC Case 2003-277-0
Technology Description
These are rabbit polyclonal antibodies against proteins that are involved in the assembly of chromatin. The antibodies recognize Drosophila Asf1 and Drosophila p55 subunit of CAF-1 (chromatin assembly factor-1).
Related Materials
- Tyler JK, Collins KA, Prasad-Sinha J, Amiott E, Bulger M, Harte PJ, Kobayashi R, Kadonaga JT. Interaction between the Drosophila CAF-1 and ASF1 chromatin assembly factors. Mol Cell Biol. 2001 Oct;21(19):6574-84.