Monoclonal Antibodies For Identification Of Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus And Related Stone Fruit Viruses

Tech ID: 18172 / UC Case 1991-036-0


Prunus Necrotic Ringspot virus (PNRV) and its variants infect and have pathologic effects on a wide variety of stone fruit trees, apples, hops, and roses. This large economic impact necessitates a simple, sensitive, and highly reliable diagnostic test for these viruses in leaves, active and dormant buds, and other tissues.

UC Berkeley researchers have developed 405 hybridoma lines specific for PNRV. To date, five of these have been investigated in depth. In initial tests by four laboratories, these antibodies reacted with a variety of PNRV isolates from California that commercially available antisera and monoclonal antibodies recognized more weakly or not at all.


The initial results indicate that the UC monoclonal antibodies recognize more isolates of PNRV than other diagnostic antibodies, and that these antibodies may materially improve diagnosis of PNRV when used in combination with antibodies from other sources.

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plant, food, antibody, antibody

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