This invention relates to the development of monoclonal antibodies that enable the detection of defects in neural development in Drosophila. The antibody shows strong specificity for axons with no staining of neuron cell bodies, the PNS, or other embryo tissues. Specificity is retained after glutaraldehyde treatment but is lost with periodate, indicating that the antibody likely recognizes a carbohydrate epitope.
Published references;
Seeger, M & et al. 1993. Mutations affecting growth cone guidence in Drosophila: genes necessary for guidance toward or away form the midline. Neuron. 10:409-26
Patel, N.H. 1994. Imaging neuronal subsets and other cell types in whole mount Drosphila embryos and larvae using antibody probes. In "Methods in Cell Biology, Vol 44. Drosophila melangaster: Practical Uses in Cell Biology", L.S.B. Goldstein and E. Fyrberg, eds. Academic Press, New York pp. 445-487.
Immunohistochemistry of neural developmental and defects.
Significantly increase ability to detect mutant development.
An excellent marker for the pattern of commissures and connectives.
The antibody can be used to stain disections without use of detergent.
antibody, research tool