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Auto Single Respiratory Gate by Deep Data Driven Gating for PET

In PET imaging, patient motion, such as respiratory and cardiac motion, are a major source of blurring and motion artifacts. Researchers at the University of California, Davis have developed a technology designed to enhance PET imaging resolution without the need for external devices by effectively mitigating these artifacts

Isolation and Preservation of Extracellular Vesicles with EXO-PEG-TR

A groundbreaking method for the efficient isolation and preservation of high-purity small extracellular vesicles (sEVs - exosomes) from biofluids using a novel EXO-PEG-TR reagent.

Computational Framework for Numerical Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA)

      Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) has become a foundational method for determining seismic design levels and conducting regional seismic risk analyses for insurance risk analysis, governmental hazard mapping, critical infrastructure planning, and more. PSHA traditionally relies on two computationally intensive approaches: Riemann Sum and conventional Monte Carlo (MC) integration. The former requires fine slices across magnitude, distance, and ground motion, and the latter demands extensive synthetic earthquake catalogs. Both approaches become notably resource intensive for low-probability seismic hazards, where achieving a COV of 1% for a 10−4 annual hazard probability may require 108 MC samples.       UC Berkeley researchers have developed an Adaptive Importance Sampling (AIS) PSHA, a novel framework to approximate optimal importance sampling (IS) distributions and dramatically reduce the number of MC samples to estimate hazards. Efficiency and accuracy of the proposed framework have been validated against Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) PSHA benchmarks covering various seismic sources, including areal, vertical, and dipping faults, as well as combined types. Seismic hazards are calculated up to 3.7×104 and 7.1×103 times faster than Riemann Sum and traditional MC methods, respectively. Coefficients of variation (COVs) are below 1%. Enhanced “smart” AIS PSHA variants are also available that outperform “smart” implementations of Riemann Sum by a factor of up to 130.

MCNC: Manifold Constrained Network Compression

Researchers at Vanderbilt University and the University of California, Davis have developed MCNC software that significantly compresses large AI models while maintaining their performance using a novel manifold-constrained optimization approach.

Overtone Piezoelectric Resonator For Power Conversion

      The demand for power electronics with smaller volumes, lighter weights, and lower cost has motivated ongoing investigation into alternative power passive component technologies. Miniaturization of power converters is bottlenecked by magnetics, whose power densities fundamentally reduce at small scales. Capacitors exhibit much more favorable densities at small sizes, but efficient voltage regulation and galvanic isolation are difficult to achieve without magnetics. Therefore piezoelectric components have emerged as compelling alternative passive components for power electronics. However,  their high-performance capabilities have been limited to applications of high load impedance due to the high characteristic of piezoelectric resonators (PRs) themselves.       To overcome this challenge, UC Berkeley researchers have developed novel piezoelectric resonator (PR) designs based on overtones, with enhanced power densities and reduced optimal load impedances. The overtone PRs have been demonstrated to have comparable efficiency to fundamental-mode PRs, while their capabilities for power handling density and lower optimal load impedances are increased. Use of overtone PRs can expand the utility of piezoelectrics to a wider scope of power electronics.

A High Flux Microchannel Solar Receiver for Converting Solar Energy into Heat

Researchers at the University of California, Davis have developed an innovative technology that incorporates advanced microchannel architecture into scalable solar thermal receiver unit cells, enabling highly efficient solar energy conversion.

Method and System for Signal Separation in Wearable Sensors with Limited Data (with Applications to Transabdominal Fetal Oximetry)

Researchers at the University of California, Davis have developed method for separating quasi-periodic mixed-signals using a single data trace, enhancing wearable sensor applications.