High-Throughput Communication System
Tech ID: 27292 / UC Case 2016-393-0
UCLA researchers
have developed a set of source and operation codes for high-throughput (100
Gbps) communication system to approach channel capacity. This technique is
unique in that it does not use reverse transmission confirming or denying
message reception is provided which saves decoder computational power and improves
efficiency especially at/near capacity.
There is a growing demand for
data drives and better performance over difficult (noisy) channels. Throughput
(digital bandwidth consumption) is the rate of production, or the rate at which
something can be processed (the rate of successful message delivery over a
communication channel). Maximum theoretical throughput is closely related to
the channel capacity of the system, specifically the maximum possible quantity
of data that can be transmitted under ideal circumstances. Systems constrained
to hard decoding use more resources and have limited capabilities at/near
capacity. This invention is a new method for short block communication without
feedback that allows for improved performance and efficiency of high-throughput
- Set
of source and operation codes using short-block length convolutional codes
- Ideal
block-length to maximize throughput, while maintaining an acceptable error rate
and signal to noise ratio.
- Intended
for high throughput applications (100+ Gbps communication)
- Incremental
redundancy without feedback is modeled after Gaussian approximation and used in
place of ACK or NACK messages (signals for successful or unsuccessful data
- Low-density
parity-check (LDPC) code (linear error correcting code) is used as the method
of transmitting a message over a noisy transmission channel
- Represents
an alternative to current hard-decoding. This tech allows higher duty cycles, closer
to capacity while meeting frame rate error requirements for communication.
throughput communication applications (100+ Gbps)
- Short-block
length convolutional codes
- No
reverse transmission confirming or denying message reception is provided
- Saves
decoder computational power and efficiency
- Allows
higher duty cycles, closer to capacity while meeting frame rate error
requirements for communication
Patent Status
United States Of America |
Issued Patent |
10,374,759 |
08/06/2019 |
2016-393 |
United States Of America |
Issued Patent |
9,998,260 |
06/12/2018 |
2016-393 |
Related Materials
- Lou, Chung-Yu, Babak Daneshrad, and Richard D. Wesel. "Convolutional-code-specific crc code design." IEEE Transactions on Communications 63.10 (2015): 3459-3470.
- Williamson, Adam R., Tsung-Yi Chen, and Richard D. Wesel. "Variable-length convolutional coding for short blocklengths with decision feedback." IEEE Transactions on Communications 63.7 (2015): 2389-2403.
- Chen, Tsung-Yi, et al. "Protograph-based raptor-like LDPC codes." IEEE Transactions on Communications 63.5 (2015): 1522-1532.
- Williamson, Adam R., Matthew J. Marshall, and Richard D. Wesel. "Reliability-output decoding of tail-biting convolutional codes." IEEE Transactions on Communications 62.6 (2014): 1768-1778.
- Williamson, Adam R., Tsung-Yi Chen, and Richard D. Wesel. "Reliability-based error detection for feedback communication with low latency." Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT), 2013 IEEE International Symposium on. IEEE, 2013.