Hybridoma 4d9 Producing Monoclonal Antibodies Specific For Engrailed And Invected Proteins Of Various Animals

Tech ID: 17345 / UC Case 2004-038-0


This invention describes the development of a monoclonal antibody that is highly useful for examining the expression of engrailed and invected gene products in Drosophila and a number of different arthopods, annelids, and chordates. The epitope fothe the antibody has been localized to residues 38-58 of the homeodomain. Engrailed class proteins play several fundamental roles in embryo patterning and this antibody is useful for examining the segmentation from the cellular blastoderm stage onward.


Patel, N.H. & et al. 1989. Expression of engrailed proteins in arthopods, annelieds, and chordates. Cell 58:955-68


Antibody recognizes engrailed products in Drosophila, grasshopper, crayfish, lobster, zebrafish, chicken, and Xenopus.


Can be used to rapidly study gene expression of engrailed proteins in a variety of organisms.

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antibody, research tool

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